PAX West recently wrapped up last weekend in Seattle, Washington, and Capcom was on-hand with the latest build of Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite for fans to get their hands on.
UltraChenTV’s “Tasty” Steve Scott was fortunately able to capture several matches between Marvel veterans from days both old and new, to give fans a taste of some of the action they can expect in just 10 days time. There are several characters used here, with several notable names showing their stuff in this brand new title. You can check out all of the action yourself in the match videos below.
Mike D (Strider Hiryu/Doctor Strange – Time) vs. GOL|Ranmasama (Haggar/Dormammu – Time)
Mike D (Jedah/Dormammu – Soul) vs. Rocket Racoon/Arthur – Power
Gamora/Dante – Space vs. Bv|Kyle P (Captain Marvel/Jedah – Reality)
Circa|Jibrill (Zero/Haggar – Reality) vs. GOL|Ranmasama (Haggar/Dormammu – Time)
Mike D (X/Iron Man – Soul) vs. Bv|Kyle P (Spencer/Jedah – Reality)
Mike D (Gamora/Spider-Man – Power) vs. Bv|Kyle P (Nova/Jedah – Soul)
Mike D (Morrigan/Thor – Space) vs. Circa|Jibrill (Zero/Haggar – Reality)
Circa|Jibrill (Zero/Haggar – Reality) vs. KillerKai (Thor/Spencer – Power)
Mike D (Strider Hiryu/Doctor Strange – Time) vs. Circa|Jibrill (Zero/Haggar – Reality)
Mike D (Strider Hiryu/Doctor Strange – Time) vs. KillerKai (Chris/Dante – Soul)
What did you think of these matches? Did they give you some ideas you’re looking forward to implementing yourself come release day? Let us know in the comments.
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam PC in North America and Europe on September 19th. A Japanese release on the same platforms will follow on September 21st.
Source: Steve Scott